My grandmother, Lily Yow (far left), as a young girl with her mother and sister May. She referred to skiing as "skidding" and never fully understood my passion for it.
My grandmother (second from left) around 1904, just before the death of her mother. As the eldest daughter, she took charge of the family after the Great Earthquake of 1906, leading them around the bay on foot to Oakland after fire destroyed their home in the city. My great grandfather, seated, appears to be going through a "ZZ Top" phase.
My mother, Jade Louie, showing off her style at Snoqualmie Pass in the early 1950's
Sunnyside Sliders, Sun Valley, 1974 - I'm on the left, with my arm in a sling under the jean jacket (Photo courtesy Doug Pfeiffer/Skiing Magazine)
Lovelock, Nevada, 1930. From left: My grandfather James, my mom, grandmother, Lewis, Frank, and Bill
White Pass, WA, 1967. I won the Fun in the Sun combined trophy with a third place in GS and first place in slalom. Two years later, Phil Mahre won the same perpetual trophy.
Little Asian rippers, 1957. That's my brother Gary on the left, and me with the Gresvigs, my first pair of skis with metal edges!
© 2025 Gregory C. Louie