Sourdough Chute Fest, Sunrise, June 11, 2005
Report by Greg Louie, Photos by Skip Swenson & Greg Louie

Kamelbak! Kam Leang exits the Jaws of Stone successfully
Opening day for the road to Sunrise was scheduled for June 11, 2005 - about two weeks ahead of
the normal opening date, and the Turns-All-Year regulars were pumped to be there. Greenwater denizen
Joedabaker and TAY moderator Ron Jarvis lead the online charge, and the posts lead to close to 15
people showing up at Buzzy's in Greenwater before caravanning up to the park.
We parked at the hairpin bend in the road just east of Dege Peak, made introductions or greeted
friends and ski partners, and headed out the Dege Peak trail. The mile or so hike in (in ski boots)
went quickly amidst the banter from Joedabaker and ron j, and I met several of Joe's regular Crystal
Mountain posse, including Matt McCartney (brother of US Olympian Scott) and Mark on the way up.
Even in this most lackluster of snow years, the strips of snow continued high up on Dege Peak, and
Kam and Jerry White set up to film the fun as the group attached sliding implements. Mark, Gus
Matt M. led off, with Matt showing ultra-smooth tele steez through the direct narrow slot from the
top. The rest of the group followed, with much cheering and whooping ensuing. The group then split
into two, with some people heading east to check another chute and some going for a second run just
slightly skier's right of the first.
Following run # 2, I headed over to see what the Jarvis group was getting into, and spotted a
narrow, steep dead-end slot that looked like it could yield a decent photo op (see picture third
from left in the above row) - I booted up and found, among other things, that the top was a bit
steeper and narrower than I had imagined, and presented a problem in terms of simply putting on my
skis. Kam got into position to shoot while I hacked a platform next to the moat and stepped in.
Looking down with skis on, I realized that I was facing the wrong way; it would have been
better to head skier's right to begin, but I had already spent ten minutes or so to get to this
point, so I let 'em run. The first jump turn was good, but I didn't quite get my skis around all
the way, caught some frozen debris with my edges, and headed for the rock wall only a couple of
feet away with no room to turn, plowing into the rock and coming out of one Dynafit. The crowd at
the bottom later told me they thought it was intentional and that I was going to ski out of the hole
in a second or two! (lol)! (Kam, inspired by my lack of execution on turn # 2, immediately hiked up
and ripped the line).
At this point, some of the group headed up and out the trail to fire up the grills and start the
festivities. I had the good fortune to hook up with Joedabaker and his cronies who were intent
on getting to the goods on Sourdough Ridge before anyone else this year . . .
We headed due west with Joe, Mark, Matt M., Chris (Scotsman), Carol, Darci, Matt Kuharic ("winner
" of the recent Silver Skis re-enactment) and myself in tow, and hit every decent looking chute
along the way with the exception of the last bowl above Sunrise. Just as we began the descent to the
lodge, we noticed Dan coming up the bowl and Chris Cass and Jessica Levine coming up the trail to check
it out also.
Cass and Sheispiste gave us the news that the others had already grilled and run, so we carpooled back
to the observation point parking lot and fired up Chris' Weber. We drew the wagons into a circle for a
windbreak and sat, more or less in comfort, as the June weather buffeted us with a combination of sun,
wind, fog and snow. The burgers and "homewrecker" sausages with "Beaver" tasted great
(as Joedabaker so aptly put it, "it ain't a homewrecker without Beaver"); the group ate and
traded stories until the deteriorating weather prompted us to pack it up and go home.
© 2006 Gregory C. Louie